In our digital world, fraud seems to be rampant. Everyone we know has been affected one way or another. Whether we have had our credit card information confiscated, our identity on social media stolen, or just been the recipient of countless phishing emails and texts that seem to berate us daily… we have to live with a sense of heightened awareness to protect ourselves, our finances, and our families. Most people never feel that way about their home though. Our home- the single largest investment of our lives, is a brick and mortar asset that cannot be stolen from us. Or is it?

Home title fraud is one of the fastest growing cyber crimes in our country. It occurs when someone obtains the title of your home fraudulently, usually by stealing your identity and taking out loans, often several at a time, against your property. The thief takes the funds from those loans, leaving the unsuspecting homeowner with a mountain of debt they didn’t secure and funds they will never receive. The owner usually doesn’t even realize this has happened until lien-holders start mailing letters accusing default and threatening foreclosure. Homeowners in Northern Colorado may be at a higher risk of this type of fraud due to a quickly appreciating market that has left homeowners with large amounts of equity in their homes. Fortunately, Larimer County has recently taken proactive steps to reduce the occurrence of this crime.




Larimer County Adds Recording Activity Notification Service


In January, the Larimer County Clear & Recorder’s Office launched the Recording Activity Notification Service. This free service allows Larimer County residents to create an alert to receive an email notification when a document is recorded in their name. It is a simple, ten minute process that is one step in protecting your home and your identity- it is important to include the many variations of your name and to register an email address you diligently monitor.

Here is the link and instructions to sign up for Larimer County’s new service: Recording Activity Notification Service

Other simple ways to prevent yourself from home title fraud:

  • Check the county website for details on your home a few times a year for any changes.
  • Check your credit report regularly for signs of identity theft or activity you don’t recognize.
  • Pay attention to your mail- are your regular bills still arriving? Receiving new bills? In a highly digital world where people pay their bills completely online, it is easy to miss what is happening at your mailbox.
  • Hire help- there are third-party companies that will monitor and protect your title for a fee. Be sure to research the companies for legitimacy before giving out any confidential information.

While not fool-proof, these steps add vital protection against home title fraud and should bring comfort knowing your home title is secure. Which should leave you time to ponder the question of other phishing scams… “Am I really related to a Nigerian prince?” “Is my car’s warranty really up?” “Can FedEx really not deliver my package without my social security number, mother’s maiden name, and the name of my favorite pet?”

All kidding aside, QUESTION EVERYTHING! And thank you, Larimer County, for adding an invaluable service to our residents and homeowners.